If you found yourself on this page, you’re probably wondering why you should outsource mobile development to Eastern Europe. Why mobile development? Having a mobile app can absolutely contribute to your business and boost your general revenue.
Do you need an app if you already have a website? Having a website to support your company has been a must in the world of business for quite a while. If you don’t have a website, make sure to click here and find out which kind of website is suitable for your business.
You are also probably here because you have other questions related to mobile app development. Is it profitable? Are apps better than mobile websites? Where should you outsource mobile development? What kind of app will suit my business?

Businesses need to be up to date in order to stay relative. Being innovative and striving to evolve and grow is always the right path to take. As mentioned before, it’s not enough just to own a website. Or own it for the sake of owning it. All your online presence should be tailored relative to your business and the way it communicates with your clients or customers. Having a mobile app brings different and innovative opportunities and possibilities. You might not even be aware of them.
Why a mobile app?
Did you know that people use mobile phones for internet browsing more than they use personal computers? To be more precise, 58% of website visits were from mobile devices in 2018. And the general usage of mobile phones is still increasing. So, what about mobile apps?
Asurion Research Shows that an average person looks at their phone every 10 minutes! That is 96 times a day on average. If people have your app installed, that means that they will see your app and its logo many times a day. Even when they are not in a particular need of it at that moment. Yes, that sounds great, but people need a good enough reason to actually keep it on their phone.
It’s a no brainer that your app needs to be purposeful. Just like a website, owning an app for the sake of owning it will probably get you nowhere. The way an app can contribute to your business depends solely on what your business is about. What does it offer? To whom does it offer?

How can a mobile app benefit your business?
An app can be used in various ways. If you own a retail store, you can use it for online selling. Or maybe provide digital discount coupons and motivate your customers to make a purchase. Also, with an app, you can easily notify your customers about various things. These can be discounts, different work hours, new offers, promotions... Using email subscriptions as a channel for this kind of communication is still being used, but is outdated. When was the last time you actually logged in to your email account to check up on promotions? Having an app to notify customers is quick and easy. Push notifications do not accumulate over time as emails do.
If you own a business with physical locations like shops or restaurants, you can use geo-location-based push notifications! Using this type of targeting sends notifications to people when they enter a certain area or are close to your store/restaurant. These notifications can be special offers or special discounts if they visit you in a certain amount of time after receiving the notification.
There is no one size fits all approach. It’s important to know what are your goals and what do you want to achieve. Consulting with a professional mobile and business developer can help you develop a perfect app for your business.
Mobile-friendly websites
Even though we believe mobile apps are amazing, having a website that is well optimized for mobile searching is sometimes more than enough. If your business is not really suitable for mobile apps, do not force it! To know whether you need an app or a mobile website, you need to understand many things. You need to understand your customers’ needs, and what value are they looking for in your online presence. Are they task-oriented? What would they use the app for? What will the app help them solve? Think about the dynamic between your business and what it offers.
Mobile websites support SEO and can be cheaper to develop. On the other hand, they only work while online and user experience tends to be slow (slower loading time).
As mentioned before, mobile apps are always visible on the user's interface. They get reminded of your business many times a day. They are stored on the device which means optimum user experience. Mobile apps function online and offline. They also make full use of the device ( geo-location, camera, push notifications...). People can also personalize their experience more smoothly with apps. But, because of their complexity, they tend to be more costly.
Why should you outsource mobile development to Eastern Europe?
Eastern Europe has been growing in popularity when it comes to outsourcing software development. Especially countries like Croatia or Serbia. Many North American and Western European countries found reliable and dedicated development teams in Eastern Europe. IT industry is in many of them one of the most developed industries. Governments and bigger companies invest a lot of resources in the IT industry. Many students can study for free, be involved in the active IT community, and get quality practice.

If you are interested to read more in-depth about outsourcing software development to Eastern Europe check this link! But in a nutshell, this is why you should outsource your mobile development to Eastern Europe:
- Great price-quality ratio
- A talented and innovative pool of developers
- Convenient time-zones and cultural similarities
- Amazing English proficiency and free higher education
- Reasonable travel and stay costs
What now?
You know your business, and Addria knows the best way a mobile app can suit your business. With years of experience in mobile and web development, we can come up with an app that is tailored perfectly to your business. With your help, our dedicated and motivated team of developers will make sure to bring your future app to its full potential.