Nearshoring from Switzerland to Serbia may not be the first thing that comes to mind of Swiss company owners. Distant Asian countries are probably the first association when it comes to IT outsourcing. The good news is, there is a destination much closer to home – Adriatic region.
Serbia’s rapidly growing IT industry is the best indicator of its quality and trustworthiness when it comes to outsourcing IT projects. Companies that employ young, ambitious, educated and skillful workers are rising across the country. Many companies from across the world have been in outsourcing partnership with Serbian firms for many years. But what makes Serbia the best nearshoring destination for Switzerland?

High-quality expertise
Belgrade and Novi Sad are the largest centers when it comes to IT in the Region. Both of them are cities with quality universities that are ranked well on Shanghai Ranking. This is a stable pillar that is currently holding the IT industry in Serbia on a high level.
Pupils in Serbia start learning programming languages at a very young age, in order to assure enough of skilled programmers in the future to come. We believe this is one of the main reasons why Serbia the best nearshoring destination for many countries that are facing a large gap of Software developers.
A favorable distance
Serbia and Switzerland are in the same time zone. This ensures a quality workflow in communication and management between two companies. This distance allows for less expensive travel, a greater degree of control of the development process, especially in urgent situations. You can reach Serbia from Switzerland by an hour and a half flight.
High English Proficiency
The school system in Serbia puts high importance on English language knowledge. Serbian pupils learn English from their first grade, at the age of 7. Also, many parents enroll their children into additional private English classes, sometimes even in pre-school and kindergarten. This shows amazing results in the population in which nearly everyone speaks English to a very good level. This is especially true when it comes to programmers, managers, and other relevant educated IT staff.

Similar Work Ethics
Cultural similarity and similar work ethics reduce any chances of misunderstanding and miscommunication. This is also in favor when it comes to facilitating work coordination. Work ethics in the Serbian IT sector are rather high and they don’t differ much from Swiss standards. Easily struck deals, always meeting deadlines, good communication and quality do not suffer.
Low Cost
Most of the time, the main reason companies outsource is to cut costs. When it comes to cost, the Serbian IT sector is the best option. Everything listed above is approachable at a lower and reasonable cost. Serbia has an amazing price and quality ratio.
Governmental support
Understanding the importance of it, the Serbian government prioritizes the IT industry in Serbia. The governmental investments in the industry each year give a more positive effect. In 2018 Serbia had a billion euros in revenue from IT. Vojvodina ICT Cluster has provided an overview of the statistics in their publication.

What makes Serbia the best nearshoring destination for Switzerland?
Nearshoring highly increases the project’s chances of succeeding, especially if you know what to look for on your software development partner. The first thing that you need to look when choosing your nearshore partner is the experience. Working with mature companies can make a difference because they already have experience and know how to handle projects like yours.
Second thing you should consider is communication. Communication is key to successful nearshoring. Proper communication makes the whole process much easier.
Nearshoring has slowly taken the thrown from offshoring and is becoming the most popular outsourcing method. In the next few years, it is predicted that nearshoring will take a major place in most of the organizations.
If you are a company located in Switzerland and you are looking for a trusted nearshoring partner, then Addria could be the perfect nearshoring partner. Addria has got years of experience in nearshoring with Swiss partners. Our highly motivated, educated and experienced team is more than ready to tackle on your next project.